Analysis of thermal parameters of heat storages for use in vehicles with combustion engines
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Research and Development Centre for Mechanical Appliances OBRUM Ltd., Gliwice. Institute of Thermal Technology, Silesian University of Technology.
Institute of Thermal Technology, Silesian University of Technology.
Publication date: 2019-10-01
Combustion Engines 2019,179(4), 119-125
The propulsion system of a vehicle using an internal combustion engine generates a significant amount of waste heat during operation, which is almost entirely discharged into the environment without any useful effect. One of the ways of using waste heat is storing it, and then using, for example, when starting the engine in winter conditions. The application of the indicated solution, in particular for the combat vehicle will allow to reduce the effects of cold start and will shorten the time of preparing such a vehicle for combat operations. The article presents: types of heat accumulators that could be used in a military vehicle, the results of preliminary tests carried out on the test stand and the impact of an additional heat source on the time of heating the internal combustion engine and on emission of exhaust gas components.
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