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The study concerns the use of biogas as a fuel for supplying a modified self-ignition engine. As a result of the modifications made, the compression ratio was reduced and the engine was equipped with an ignition system and an electronically activated engine throttle. The changes have made it possible to burn biogas in a high compression ratio engine. The paper presents the results of research conducted on a low power cogeneration system with engine that drives an electrical machine cooperating with a 380/400 V network. The analysis includes, among other things, the possibility of producing electricity using biogas. The paper presents the influence of regulatory parameters such as the volume and composition of the supplied gas mixture and the degree of throttle opening on the obtained engine operation indicators and the driven electric machine. The tests were carried out in relation to the obtained ecological indicators depending on the concentration in the exhaust of such substances as: HC, CO, NOx.
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CHANDRA, R., VIJAY, V.K., SUBBARAO, P.M.V., KHURA, T.K. Performance evaluation of a constant Speer IC engine on CNG, methane enriched biogas and biogas. Applied Energy. 2011, 88, 3969-3977.
HETMAŃCZYK, I., HEPNER, W., BORECKI, D., BIENIEK, A. Zagadnienia regulacji i sterowania silnikiem spalinowym zasilanym wodorem. Silniki Gazowe. 2010, 280-289.
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SIRIPORNAKARACHAI, S., SUCHARITAKUL, T. Modification and tuning of multi-valve diesel bus engine to run on biogas for electricity production. International Journal of Renewable Energy. 2018, 3(2), 1-13.
SWAMI NATHAN, S., MALLIKARJUNA, J.M., RA-MESH, A. An experimental study of the biogas-diesel HCCI mode of engine operations. Energy Conversion and Management. 2010, 51, 1347-1353.
SZLACHTA, J., FUGOL, M. Analiza możliwości produkcji biogazu na bazie gnojownicy oraz kiszonki z kukurydzy. Inżynieria Rolnicza. 2009, 5(114), 275-280.
ŚMIEJA, M., WIERZBICKI, S. Analysis of potential application of biogas fuel in modern compression-ignition engines. Environmental Engineering – 10th International Conference Vilnus Gediminas Technical University. 2017, 1-7. DOI: 10.3846/enviro.2017.035.
TAREMWA, A., KIPLIMO, R., WANJII, S. Effect of compression ratio on the performance and emission of diesel dual fuel engine using biogas. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE). 2016, 13(3), 67-74.
TUROWSKI, S., NOWOWIEJSKI, R. Analiza układu kogeneracyjnego jako źródła ciepła i energii elektrycznej w modelowym gospodarstwie rolnym. Inżynieria Rolnicza. 2009, 1(110), 331-338.
WIERZBICKI, S., MIKULSKI, M. Wykorzystanie biogazu do zasilania silników o zapłonie samoczynnym pracujących w układach kogeneracyjnych. Studies & Proceedings of Polish Association for Knowledge Management. 2014, 70, 138-150.
WIERZBICKI, S., ŚMIEJA, M. Use of biogas to power diesel engines with common rail fuel systems. MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018, 182, 01018, 1-8. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201818201018.
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