Assessment methods of the basic parameters of the combustion process in reciprocating internal combustion engines
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics at Rzeszów University of Technology.
Faculty of Mechatronics and Machine Building at Kielce University of Technology.
Publication date: 2019-10-01
Combustion Engines 2019,179(4), 21-26
The article presents selected methods of assessing the basic parameters of the combustion process, as well as assessing the usability and limitations of the methods used to determine the initiation and the end of the combustion process in reciprocating internal combustion engines. The methods considered are based on data contained in real, developed indicator diagrams. Basic thermodynamic assumptions and the scope of application of the combustion process evaluation method based on the actual work cycle of a combustion engine prepared in a double logarithmic scale were discussed. The article also mentions the application of the following methods: a direct pressure comparison method in the cylinder, the comparison of the first pressure derivative in the cylinder, logarithmic derivative method of pressure change in the cylinder, the method of the polytropic index, method of the first derivative of the polytropic index and the method of constant values of the polytropic index. The article presents the advantages and disadvantages of the research of our methods.
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