Assessment of thermodynamic cycle of internal combustion engine in terms of rightsizing
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.
Publication date: 2019-07-01
Combustion Engines 2019,178(3), 182-186
The modification of the downsizing trend of internal combustion engines towards rightsizing is a new challenge for constructors. The change in the displacement volume of internal combustion engines accompanying the rightsizing idea may in fact mean a reduction or increase of the defining swept volume change factors and thus may affect the change in the operating characteristics as a result of changes in combustion process parameters - a research problem described in this publication. Incidents of changes in the displacement volume were considered along with the change of the compression space and at the change of the geometric degree of compression. The new form of the mathematical dependence describing the efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle makes it possible to evaluate the opera-tion indicators of the internal combustion engine along with the implementation of the rightsizing idea. The work demonstrated the in-variance of cycle efficiency with different forms of rightsizing.
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