Comparative analysis of pollutants emission by classical and distributed propulsions applied on the AOS motor glider
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Rzeszow University of Technology.
Publication date: 2019-10-01
Combustion Engines 2019,179(4), 102-106
Comparative analysis of harmful compounds emission of classical and distributed propulsions applied on the AOS motor glider, taking into account the perspective of the development of hybrid propulsions. A novel path is indicated by so-called distributed aircraft propulsion. The advantages and disadvantages of this type of solutions are presented, as well as the conceptual design of the distributed propulsion for the AOS 71 motor glider. In the paper there were compared the emissions of harmful compounds generated by a hybrid power unit developed for the airframe of AOS 71 motor glider – traditional propulsion, so-called focused (one-propeller) and dispersed propulsion (multi-propelled). Functional diagrams of both types of propulsions solutions are presented. Construction and aerodynamic constraints of both propulsions are discussed and comparative analysis is made. In the traditional version of the propulsion (so-called focused propulsion). the propeller is driven by an Emrax 228 electric engine with effective parameters: N = 55 kW, M = 120 Nm. The power source is a battery set with a capacity of 16 Ah and a range extender powered by a LCR 407ti rotating piston engine with maximum power of 28 kW. In the variant of the distributed propulsion. Ten electric engines of AXI 8120 type were used to drive small propellers arranged along the wingspan. The power source in this variant is analogous to the variant with the Emrax electric engine. For the adopted variant of the flight mission of the motor glider. a flight trajectory model was developed, which was used to determine the load of the power unit. In laboratory conditions. emission tests of both propulsions were conducted. The results are summarized in charts and discussed in the conclusions.
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