Diagnosis of marine internal combustion engines by means of rapidly variable temperature and composition of exhaust gas as an alternative or support for currently used diagnostic methods
The article points out relevance of parametric diagnostics of ship engines and analyzes the state of research in this field. A method is proposed for diagnosing engine systems on the basis of rapidly variable exhaust temperature while measuring its composition. A method for determining diagnoser tools from the signal within one engine cycle and mathematical and statistical treatment of test results is presented. The products of numerical moddeling in the Diesel-RK software and the products of laboratory research on a Farymann Diesel test engine were analyzed. Affect of the most popular defects on the analyzed parameters was defined. Criteria for matching a diagnoser tool in accordance with the type of damage in a ship engine was presented. A methodology was proposed for adapting the presented method to metering on a ship engine in operation.
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