Editorial and Scientific Board



Editor-in-chief/Redaktor Naczelny
Prof. Jerzy Merkisz, DSc., DEng. (Poznan University of Technology)
ORCID 0000-0002-1389-0503
Scopus 24438346300

Editorial Secretary for Science/Sekretarz Naukowy Redakcji
Prof. Miłosław Kozak, DSc., DEng. (Poznan University of Technology)
ORCID 0000-0002-0851-2559
Scopus 7102680947
Prof. Jacek Pielecha, DSc., DEng. (Poznan University of Technology)
ORCID 0000-0001-7586-1989
Scopus 6507418480

Prof. Ireneusz Pielecha, DSc., DEng. (Poznan University of Technology)
ORCID 0000-0001-7340-635X
Scopus 6508274866
Prof. Jacek Hunicz, DSc., DEng. (Lublin University of Technology)
ORCID 0000-0002-0188-6419
Scopus 8288408600
Prof. Liping Yang, DSc., DEng. (Harbin Engineering University)
Scopus 55733041900
Prof. Pravesh Chandra Shukla, DSc., DEng. (Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai)
ORCID 0000-0001-9384-2757
Scopus 55651441500
Di Zhu, DEng. (North Carolina State University)
ORCID 0000-0002-6981-7524
Scopus 57192297293
Wojciech Cieślik, DSc., DEng. (Poznan University of Technology)
ORCID 0000-0001-6841-5390
Scopus 56135789000

Statistical Editor/Redaktor Statystyczny
Prof. DSc., DEng. Wojciech Serdecki

Proofreading Editor/Redaktor Językowy
Ph.D. Joseph Woodburn

Scientific Board

Krzysztof Wisłocki, chairman, Poland (Poznan University of Technology)
Yuzo Aoyagi, Japan (Okayama University)
Ewa Bardasz, USA (National Academy of Engineering)
Piotr Bielaczyc, Poland (BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd.)
Zdzisław Chłopek, Poland (Warsaw University of Technology)
Tadeu Cordeiro de Melo, Brazil (Petrobras)
Jan Czerwinski, Switzerland (CJ Consulting)
Radostin Dimitrov, Bulgaria (University of Varna)
Fridrich Dinkelacker, Germany (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Hubert Friedl, Austria (AVL)
Barouch Giechaskiel, Italy (European Commission, JRC)
Leslie Hill, UK (Horiba)
Timothy Johnson, USA (Corning Inc.)
Kazimierz Lejda, Poland (Rzeszow University of Technology)
Hans Peter Lenz, Austria (AVL)
Helmut List, Austria (AVL)
Toni Kinunen, Finland (Proventia)
David Kittelson, USA (University of Minnesota)
Christopher Kolodziej, USA (Delphi Automotive Systems)
Hu Li, UK (University of Leeds)
Vaselin Mihaylov, Bulgaria (University of Varna)
Federico Millo, Italy (Politecnico Torino)
Jeffrey D. Naber, USA (Michigan Technological University)
Andrzej Niewczas, Poland (Motor Transport Institute)
Marek Orkisz, Poland (Rzeszow University of Technology)
Dieter Peitsch, Germany (TU Berlin)
Stefan Pischinger, Germany (FEV Germany)
Andrzej Sobiesiak, Canada (University of Windsor)
Stanisław Szwaja, Poland (Częstochowa University of Technology)
Piotr Szymański, Nederlands (European Commission, JRC)
Leonid Tartakovsky, Israel (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Andrzej Teodorczyk, Poland (Warsaw University of Technology)
Xin Wang, China (Beijing Institute of Technology)
Thomas Wallner, USA (Argone National Laboratory)
Michael P. Walsh, USA (International Council on Clean Transportation)
Mirosław Wendeker,Poland (Lublin University of Technology)
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