The article presents a mathematical model of a marine diesel engine developed for the needs of the research on the innovative method of evaluating technical condition of a marine engine. Basic assumptions of the method under development have also been included. The main focus has been directed on the evaluation of adequacy of a mathematical model of a marine diesel engine proposed in this article. In addition, measures of adequacy for the needs of the conducted research have also been presented. A comparison of the results of empirical and modeling research was presented. Finally, the article shows results from the conducted research followed by conclusions.
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Evaluation of the influence of the opening pressure of a marine Diesel engine injector on the results of numerical simulation of the working cycle and their comparison with the results of the laboratory experiment Patrycja Puzdrowska Combustion Engines
Diagnosis of marine internal combustion engines by means of rapidly variable temperature and composition of exhaust gas as an alternative or support for currently used diagnostic methods Patrycja Puzdrowska Combustion Engines
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