Evaluation of the efficiency of the three-way catalytic converter of a spark ignition engine of the chosen aromatic hydrocarbons removing
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Wroclaw University of Science Technology.
Publication date: 2017-05-01
Combustion Engines 2017,169(2), 83-86
In the paper the results of measurement of the most popular aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene and xylenes) in the exhaust of spark ignition engine before and after three-way catalytic reactor were presented. The investigations have been conducted at fixed rotational speed, 2500 rpm and at a few different values of torque in range 0 – 80 Nm, every 10 Nm. Based on obtained results, the calculations of catalytic reactor efficiency in removing analysed components have been made. The measurements showed high efficiency of the catalytic converter in reduction of that pollutants in exhaust gases.
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