Multiple symptomical analysis of fails in the EGR system of HDI engine
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Faculty in State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz, Poland.
Publication date: 2019-10-01
Combustion Engines 2019,179(4), 47-51
The article presents the process of fault location in the HDR-rhr engine EGR system based on the characteristics obtained in the conditions of traction measurements using the ESI Tronic 2.0 program. The measurements were obtained using the licensed BOSCH KTS540 diagnostic tester. In the process of diagnostic inference the PWM signal coefficient has been analyzed in relation to the level of boost pressure, mass variability and air temperature in the intake system (based on MAF data) and EGR valve positioning for variable angular positions of the accelerator pedal. Analysis of the characteristics allowed for proper identification of faults previously stored in the system with OBDII error codes. Attention was paid to the issue of sediment formation in the EGR valve channels as a result of using diesel oil with the participation of biocomponents. Sludge analysis was carried out in a certified laboratory using infrared spectroscopy methods. Conclusions have been drawn for the presence of non-oxidized components of organic origin precipitated in the channels of the EGR system.
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