Non-legislated emissions and PN of two passenger cars with gasoline-butanol blends
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University of Applied Sciences, Biel-Bienne, Switzerland.
Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, Bern, Switzerland.
Publication date: 2018-02-01
Combustion Engines 2018,172(1), 64-72
Increasing the sustainability of individual transportation and replacing a part of fossil energy in traffic by renewable energy carriers are worldwide important objectives. Bioalcohols are generally recognized as one of very useful alternatives. The global share of bioethanol used for transportation is continuously increasing. Butanol, a four-carbon alcohol, is considered in the last years as an interesting alternative fuel, both for diesel and for gasoline application. Its advantages for engine operation are: good miscibility with gasoline and diesel fuels, higher calorific value than ethanol, lower hygroscopicity, lower corrosivity and possibility of replacing aviation fuels. In the present work, the emissions of two gasoline vehicles – with older and with newer technology – were investigated in dynamic-,stationary and cold start operation.
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