Performance analysis of turbofan engine with additional combustion chamber fueled by alternative fuel
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Faculty of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, Rzeszow University of Technology.
Publication date: 2019-10-01
Combustion Engines 2019,179(4), 249-253
Presented paper is focused on the performance analysis of turbofan engine with additional combustion chamber fueled by alternative fuel. Additional combustion chamber was situated between high pressure turbine and low pressure turbine. Such configuration is also know under the name inter turbine burner (ITB). As an alternative fuels burn in additional combustion chamber were selected cryogenics fuels: liquid hydrogen and liquid methane. The main combustion chamber was supplied by conventional aviation fuel - kerosene. Thermodynamic model of turbofan engine with ITB was implemented in MATLAB environment. The problem of modeling an additional combustion chamber was presented.Analysis was carried out for take-off conditions. Obtained results indicate that implementation of ITB exert a positive influence on engine performance result in thrust increase.
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The impact of thermodynamics parameters of turbofan engine with ITB on its performance
Natalia Marszałek
Combustion Engines
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