The EMITRANSYS model and the possibilities of its application for the analysis of the development of sustainable transport systems
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Faculty of Transport, Warsaw University of Technology.
Publication date: 2019-10-01
Combustion Engines 2019,179(4), 243-248
The transport system has a direct impact on the economic and socio-economic situation of each country. Planning its development is an important element of policy. Bearing in mind the importance and complexity of this issue, it should be considered using both quanti-tative methods and mathematical models, as well as advanced simulation tools for modelling transport. The article presents a proposal for an approach to simulation tests of the different transport system in the aspect of the emission of harmful exhaust gas compounds from road transport.The tool for analysing and assessing the functioning of e xisting or designed systems is a model in which the properties of the real system, which are important from the point of view of the research objective, should be mapped. The Model of Proecological Transport System (MEST) was presented formally as an ordered four. Also elements of optimization taks shaping of proecological transport system in form of datas, decision variables, conditions and goal function were presented. An example of tests on simulation model was shown.
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