In this paper, the author presents a study of vibrations in a passenger vehicle and the possible influence on driver’s body in the process of natural operation. The author describes the dependence of engine size and additional equipment as the possible primary source of the vibration variations and their further propagation in the entire vehicle structure. The analysis was performed on the passenger cars with naturally aspirated and turbocharged gasoline engines. The aim of this study was to verify the level of vibrations in the vehicle structure with these particular engines, especially influence of downsized power unit, during various state of engine operation. The second goal was to examine the vibrations in the specified location related to driver’s body. The measuring method used piezoelectric accelerometers, which were attached to the designated locations in the vehicle and were able to detect variations of the acceleration. The signals were collected as characteristics in the time domain. In order to achieve frequency domain for spectral analyses, the author applied the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
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Evaluation of materials used for coatings of electrical connectors used in the electrical harness of passengers cars
Paulina Adamczyk, Anna Zięty, Dominika Grygier
Combustion Engines
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