The influence of high efficiency engines and hybrids on exhaust systems
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Managing Director and Founder of Roben Automotive.
Publication date: 2017-11-01
Combustion Engines 2017,171(4), 207-210
Increased efficiency of the combustion process itself and low losses in the Engine, lead to lower temperatures in the exhaust line. Combined with the exhaust gas energy recovery as well as the hybridization of the drivetrain, this temperature decrease will require additional efforts for the exhaust gas aftertreatment in future. Current technologies like SCR with urea could only be used in future with additional heating elements or will need to change to different catalysts or gaseous Ammonia, to keep the current efficiency and conversion rates. Catalyst and filter elements with ultra-low backpressure creating additional new challenges for the correct and robust diagnostics of these aftertreatment components and all emission relevant parts and thresholds. New technologies are needed like the direct measurement of the DPF soot loading with radio frequencies or NH3 sensors to precisely control the ammonia slip for high conversion rates of SCR catalysts.
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