Trends in automotive emissions legislation: impact on LD engine development, fuels, lubricants, and test methods – a global view, with a focus on WLTP and RDE regulations – Summary of the 6th International Exhaust Emissions Symposium (IEES)
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BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd in Bielsko- Biała, Poland.
Publication date: 2018-08-01
Combustion Engines 2018,174(3), 56-65
Among the drivers influencing vehicular powertrain development, the field of vehicular exhaust emissions is experiencing wide-ranging and rapid changes. New emissions regulations such as Euro 6d and new test methods (RDE and WLTP) are the main challenges for the automotive industry caused by political, socioeconomic and technical factors. Air quality is very high on the political agenda and pressure remains to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the road transport sector. In addition to limits becoming increasingly stringent, the list of parameters subject to legal limits are slowly expanding – and, most importantly, these limits must be met under a wide range of conditions. A range of strategies are available to overcome these difficulties, which was explored during the 6th International Exhaust Emissions Symposium (IEES) hosted at BOSMAL in June 2018. This paper reports and summarises the topics of the 6th IEES and attempts a synthesis on the current status of the field of IC engines, hybrid powertrains and electric vehicles and what the coming years may hold for the automotive and fuel industries and other allied fields.
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BIELACZYC, P., WOODBURN, J., GANDYK, M. Trends in automotive emissions, fuels, lubricants, legislation and test methods – a global view, with a focus on the EU and US – Summary of the 5th International Exhaust Emissions Symposium (IEES). Combustion Engines. 2016, 166(3), 78-82, DOI: 10.19206/CE-2016-342.
BIELACZYC, P., WOODBURN, J. (editors) “Symposium Proceedings – Trends in automotive emissions legislation: impact on LD engine development, fuels lubricants and test methods – a global view with focus on the WLTP and RDE regulations”, ISBN 978-83-946334-1-7, BOSMAL, Bielsko-Biala 2018.
BIELACZYC, P., WOODBURN, J. (editors) Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Exhaust Emissions Symposium, ISBN 978-83-946334-2-4, BOSMAL, Bielsko-Biala 2018.
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BIELACZYC, P. (editor) and 17 co-authors. Global trends in emissions regulation and reduction from the perspective of powertrain and fuel development. Proceedings of the 2nd International Exhaust Emissions Symposium. ISBN 978-83-931383-1-9, 2011.
BIELACZYC, P., WOODBURN, J. Current and future trends in automotive emissions, fuels, lubricants and test methods – the view from the year 2012. Combustion Engines. 2012, 149(2), 94-116, 2012.
BIELACZYC, P. (editor) and 21 co-authors. Current and future trends in automotive emissions, fuels, lubricants and test methods – 2012. Proceedings of the 3rd International Exhaust Emissions Symposium. ISBN 978-83-931383-2-6, 2012.
BIELACZYC, P., CZERWINSKI, J., WOODBURN, J. Current trends in measurement and control of particle emissions from engines. Combustion Engines. 2012, 150(3), 89-96, 2012.
BIELACZYC, P. (editor) and 18 co-authors. Particulate matter emissions from engine and automobile sources. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Particulate Matter Emissions from Engine and Automobile Sources. ISBN 978-83-931-383-3-3, 2012.
BIELACZYC, P., SUTKOWSKI, M. (editors) and 5 coauthors. Gaseous fuels in power generation and the automotive sector. Proceedings of the technical seminar on gaseous fuels in power generation and the automotive sector. ISBN 978-83-931383-4-0, 2012.
BIELACZYC, P., WOODBURN, J. Powertrain development for low-to-zero emissions and efficient energy usage – the industry session held during the 5th PTNSS congress on combustion engines. Combustion Engines. 2013, 155(4), 75-79, 2013.
BIELACZYC, P. (editor) and 19 co-authors. Powertrain development for low-to-zero emissions and efficient energy usage. Proceedings of the Industry Session held during the 2013 PTNSS Congress on Combustion Engines. ISBN 978-83-931-383-5-7, 2013.
BIELACZYC, P. (editor) Trends in automotive emissions, fuels, lubricants, legislation and test methods present and future – 2014. Symposium Proceedings of 4th International Exhaust Emissions Symposium , 22-23 May 2014, Bielsko-Biala, Poland, ISBN 978-83-931383-7-1. Published also in Combustion Engines. 2014, 158(3), ISSN 0138-0346.
BIELACZYC, P., WOODBURN, J. Trends in automotive emissions, fuels, lubricants, legislation and test methods – present and future. A brief overview from the perspective of the International Organising Committee of the 4th International Emissions Symposium. Combustion Engines. 2014, 158(3), 93-100, ISSN 0138-0346.
BIELACZYC, P. (editor), Symposium Proceedings – Trends in automotive emissions, fuels, lubricants and test methods – a global view with focus on the EU & US. Proceedings of the 5th International Exhaust Emissions Symposium. 19-20 May 2016, Bielsko-Biala, Poland, ISBN 978-83-931383-9-5.
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